Student success is dependent on attendance. We can have amazing literacy programs, and students need to be present to engage in them. The resources below support strong school and out-of-school time program attendance by supporting families in navigating some of the barriers to attendance.
Detroit Education Research Partnership
The Detroit Education Research Partnership is a collaboration between researchers at Wayne State University’s College of Education and a constellation of community partners interested in improving Detroit schools.
Why do Detroit Students Miss School? by Sarah Winchell Lenhoff, Jeremy Singer, Kimberly Stokes, & J. Bear Mahowald
Attendance Roster Data Collection & Analysis
313Reads Community of Practice Webinar
To support members of the 313Reads Community of Practice (CoP) for Summer and Out-of-School Time (SOST) Attendance, 313Reads, Every School Day Counts Detroit, Attendance Works, and Detroit PEER came together to create this resource.